Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lil Wayner

Caricature of Lil Wayne done for the Grammys a few weeks back.

1 comment:

Robert Clayton Cooke said...

I'm not sure I am aware who this is. Knowing you, I bet this was a dream assignment, though. Right? A chance to draw one of yer heroes.

Drawing is good. Just a freaky lookin' dude, though!

Sorry to offend any Lil Wayne fans. Sure he's a great guy and all that. Er... what I'm only judging him by his appearance! Which is of Crawdad's devices. And I'm sure that's what he looks like, because Crawdad draws photo realistical and you can always recognize them people when he's depicting real folk through caricaturising. So, if you have to, blame him for any undue exageration or neg reactions to this guy's looks.

There. I've now negated any responsibility for the content or possibility for argument 'cause of my comments on Lil Wayne.